
Monique Robinson, a modelo plus size que revela como aprendeu a amar o corpo

April 14, 2017


Monique Robinson é uma modelo plus size, que utilizou as redes sociais para nos mostrar que a melhor forma de estarmos bem connosco é sermos positivos.

A modelo transformou um diagnóstico negativo, de pré-diabetes, em algo realmente positivo para si, concentrando-se apenas em ficar saudável. Ao poucos, Monique começou a ter orgulho no seu corpo e no trabalho que estava a desenvolver para se tornar mais saudável.

“Olá, o meu nome é Monique e isto é o corpo de uma modelo plus size“, escreveu na sua conta oficial do Instagram, partilhando fotografias do seu corpo, sem qualquer tabu. “É assim que o meu corpo plus size é. Cheio de melanina, cheio de celulite e coberto de estrias”, acrescentou, contando que perdeu mais de 27 quilos nos últimos cinco anos.

Hi my name is Monique, and this is what a plus size body looks like. This is what my plus size body looks like. It’s dipped in melanin, marinated with cellulite, and covered in stretch marks. I’ve worked extremely hard at taking care of this body over the last two years. I’ve lost 60 pounds off this body in the last five years. I debated really hard on rather or not I wanted to share this picture, but I’m so proud of myself and how I’ve taken control of my health. So deal with it. ????I’m hella fucking proud of me, especially since last year I was told I was pre-diabetic ???? which took me a while to digest. I just didn’t want to deal with it because I thought I was healthy. So I kinda ignored it. And decided to self sabotage about the news even though I had made the majority of my progress before I was even diagnosed. But when I really started to think about my medical history I thought about different things I experienced at different times. For example, my ankles used to swell really bad. I wish I still had the pictures to show you how huge they used to get. I spoke to my doctor about it and was told to just walk a little more to get more circulation. At the time, I thought okay. But I was already doing that and fake working out. I’ve experienced numb fingers before, but only one so it wasn’t something to be concerned with, like what!?! I used to be so tired ALL THE TIME, but we thought it was due to me working full-time, overnight and working on my masters degree at the same time. ????????‍♀️ That explained being tired all the time. But at the time I didn’t know any better to connect the dots, nor did my doctor. And from my knowledge I’ve never been tested for diabetes, and I’m pretty sure I was diabetic. I can only assume because I never complain about multiple symptoms but individual symptoms at one given time I slipped though the cracks. But I was active, I didn’t eat super bad, and young so…. okay I’m babbling, here is a picture of me in my bra and panties at work, because why not? I’m so proud of me. #moniquerobinson #representationmatters #iammybeautystandard #celebratemysize #goldenconfidence #purebodylove #blackgirlmagic #wilhelminacurve I might delete this. ????

Uma publicação partilhada por Monique Robinson (@iadoremo) a

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